The project

Why this travel notebook…

We are both passionate about the history of French-speaking North America. The historical rigor of our articles, which we want accessible to all, is our primary concern.

This travel notebook following on the roads of the Acadian people is our second joint project. It is based on purely historical data. And, it complements our previous travel notebook, dedicated to travelling in Colonial French Louisiana.

From 17 to 18th century

What interests us here are the Acadian communities that existed in the 17th and especially in the 18th century in Acadia, during both the French and British regimes, before and after the 1755-1756 Great Acadian Upheaval.

Our aim is to reveal historical facts pertaining these communities whose traces are often very much alive and sometimes more buried in the memory of the Acadian diaspora in Atlantic Canada, the United States, France, Haiti…

An opening process

This project is part of a broader approach that we are undertaking in regard to the history of North America’s Francophonie of the 17th and 18th centuries. We would be delighted if our travel notebooks could foreshadow, in the near future, historical, heritage and cultural tourism circuits.

We welcome comments and suggestions. Please do not hesitate to send us any comments or suggestions you may have. We will reply with great pleasure…

Jean-Marc Agator and Jean-Pierre Bernier.

Our previous achievements (in French only)

Carnet de voyage dans l’espace français de l’Ontario,
in cooperation with the Association française des municipalités de l’Ontario (AFMO): 73 historic portraits of cities and towns in Ontario.

Carnet de voyage dans le Manitoba francophone,
in cooperation with the Association des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba (AMBM): 64 historic portraits of cities and towns in Manitoba.

Our other website

site sur la louisine française

Travel Notebook in Colonial French Louisiana

Website entirely bilingual including more than 80 articles.


Jean-Marc Agator

Jean-Marc is a French former engineer passionate about the history of Canada and of francophone communities throughout North America in all of their cultural diversity. He lives in Paris region.

Jean-Pierre Bernier

Jean-Pierre is a retired executive from the financial sector with a burning passion for America’s Francophonie and its fraternity. A Québec City native, he now lives in Aurora, Ontario.